Clear braces are much less visually obtrusive than traditional options, but they are not entirely invisible. Some options use see-through brackets and arch-wire to help reduce noticeability, though they can be seen when in close proximity. However, clear braces remain more attractive for adults and older teens who require orthodontic treatment but dread the aesthetics produced by metal alternatives.
Clear braces are less noticeable than [link id=’54858′ text=’metal braces’]. Many clear braces are also faster and more comfortable overall. While not necessarily [link id=’54858′ text=’braces’], clear options like [link id=’81’ text=’Invisalign®’] can straighten teeth in as little as six to 12 months – and other options may even be faster. The best way to learn which clear braces option is best for you is by meeting with Fairfax dentist Dr. Pamela Marzban for a one-on-one consultation.
Dr. Marzban offers a variety of clear braces options and will recommend for you the style that most fits your needs, lifestyle, and desires. During your initial consultation she will carefully assess your smile, discuss all of your choices, and help you choose which route is most suitable for you.
To schedule your clear braces consultation, please [link id=’50003′ text=’contact Pamela Marzban, DDS’] today. Dr. Marzban serves Fairfax and surrounding areas from our convenient Burke location.