Beauty, Balance, & Breath

Can Dental Restorations be Whitened?

Can Dental Restorations be Whitened?

The dental restorations offered by Fairfax cosmetic dentist Dr. Pamela Marzban are shaded to match adjacent teeth in color. When used to lighten teeth that have been severely stained, restorations such as dental veneers may be combined with tooth whitening on surrounding teeth to ensure consistent shading throughout the smile. However, dental restorations cannot be lightened with topical whitening solutions once stained or discolored.

If you want to learn more about teeth whitening options, please call Dr. Marzban at 703-323-8200 to schedule your cosmetic dentistry consultation at our convenient Burke location.

Restorations cannot be whitened with topical solutions but are naturally stain-resistant. With proper care, dental veneers and crowns should maintain their luster and pearly white appearance for years.

Caring for your dental restorations is very simple. Brushing after every meal and snack, avoiding excessive consumption of dark foods and beverages, and visiting our office twice a year for professional cleanings is often all it takes to keep restorations attractive and bright for years.

If you have questions about caring for your dental veneers or want to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry options, please contact Pamela Marzban, DDS to schedule your consultation today. Dr. Marzban serves all of Fairfax County.

Craniofacial Development: From Infancy to Adult

Do you wonder why nearly every child needs orthodontics? Why are people mouth breathing and developing mouth breather faces? Why is Temporo-mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) becoming a worldwide epidemic? In this book, Dr. Pamela Marzban explains why modern day faces develop incorrectly, how to identify it, and what you can do for optimum facial development for you and your child.

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