Beauty, Balance, & Breath

Can Mewing Improve How You Look In Pictures?

Mewing Improve How You Look

Can Mewing Improve How You Look In Pictures?

Do you ever feel self-conscious about the way you look in pictures? Do you think that your jaw is too round or that you have a double chin? If so, you might be hesitant to include yourself in events with your friends and family if there’s a camera around. Mewing can improve how you look in pictures and get you on track to enjoying life again.

What is Mewing?

Mewing is the technique of flattening out your tongue against the roof of the mouth. The goal of mewing is to retrain the mouth muscles to rest in a more optimized position. With regular practice, mewing can help define your jawline, allow better airflow, and prevent mouth breathing. To properly mew, a person has to relax their tongue and make sure it’s entirely against the roof of their mouth, including the back of the tongue.

How Mewing Can Improve How You Look In Pictures

When we look at a picture of ourselves or other people, the first thing we see are faces. First, we’ll see the photographed person’s eyes, then their smile, and maybe their face shape before anything else. If people are self-conscious, that feeling will usually center around one of these target areas.

Mewing can improve how you look in pictures because it:

  • Aligns teeth
  • Retrains facial muscles
  • Reduces the appearance of “double chin”
  • Pushes the jaw forward

Before and After Effects of Mewing

If you’re looking at pictures of yourself cringing at how you look, mewing is one of the easiest, most effective everyday habits you can adopt to look better. We attribute many of our ideas about beauty to symmetry and shapeliness, both of which mewing helps to improve.


Before you integrate mewing into your life, you might shy away from pictures or look back on them and feel upset; your jaw might appear asymmetrical, or your face might look too round.


After you’ve taken up the task of being more mindful about where you rest your tongue in your mouth, you’ll start seeing some subtle changes in your appearance. For example, people can take on a more youthful appearance as their jaw positioning adjusts and reduces the appearance of a double chin or jowls.

One Thing Mewing Can’t Do

One thing mewing can’t do is change the appearance of your teeth. For better-looking teeth to go with your improved face shape and newly found confidence, veneers or teeth whitening sessions make an excellent addition to better pictures and a more complete smile.

Learn More About Mewing and Other Exercises to Take Better Pictures

While mewing is a great DIY exercise for improving face shape, Dr. Marzban’s team can help take you the extra mile. Myofunctional therapy can further support the goals of mewing, and you can schedule a consultation by calling our office at 703-323-8200.

Craniofacial Development: From Infancy to Adult

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