Beauty, Balance, & Breath

Contact Dr. Pamela Marzban

Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry in Burke, VA

Do you have any questions? We have answers. Contact Us today.

Dr. Pamela Marzban is a cosmetic dentist in Burke, Virginia who provides a wide range of family and cosmetic dentistry services to patients throughout Burke, and the surrounding Northern Virginia communities. As a native Virginian, she is honored to be able to serve the community in which she has spent almost her entire life.

You can receive individualized cosmetic dentist recommendations or start along the path to optimal oral health by speaking with Dr. Marzban in person. Please call (703) 323-8200 today to schedule an appointment.

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday: 7AM to 5PM
Friday: 8AM to 4PM
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

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We all want a beautiful smile that expresses our emotions and personality.


People with TMJ can spend years seeing many doctors, and specialists.


An undeveloped airway in your mouth often leads to obstructed sleep apnea.

My Book

Dr. Marzban’s book describes how to identify incorrect facial and jaw development.

Do you wonder why nearly every child needs orthodontics? Why are people mouth breathing and developing mouth breather faces?

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