For many people, visiting the dentist's office is a stressful experience that they would rather avoid. But there is no reason it needs to be this way. If pharmaceutical solutions like sedation dentistry are not right for you, [link id=’139′ text=’NuCalm®’] offers a relaxing and refreshing dental visit that will have you leaving the office feeling calm and peaceful.
A safe and well-tested technology that uses your natural biorhythms to calm you, NuCalm has your dentist take your body chemistry, mental energy, and even basic physics into account when administering your treatment. The result is a deep and lasting feeling of relaxation, even in environments that would normally make you feel nervous.
NuCalm has four primary components that combine to create the experience:
- Topical cream or dietary supplements that counter your adrenaline.
- Microcurrent patches behind the ears help you to relax.
- Calming sounds from noise-cancelling headphones induce a pre-sleep trance.
- An eye mask blocks your vision and helps enhance the relaxation state.
If you get nervous at the dentist's office and are unwilling or unable to undergo [link id=’94’ text=’sedation dentistry’], you ought to give NuCalm a try. The process has been shown to induce a state of deep relaxation in patients, one that is conducive to quick healing and mental recharging.
To learn more about what NuCalm can do for you, contact the dental practice of Dr. Pamela Marzban at 703-323-8200 today. Dr. Marzban serves patients in Fairfax Station, Burke, and the greater Washington, DC area.