Beauty, Balance, & Breath

How to Take Care of your Childrens Teeth

How to Take Care of your Childrens Teeth

Diet and Your Child’s Teeth

Plaque (rhymes with “back”) is a sticky film of bacteria that is always forming on teeth. When combined with sugar from food and drinks, these bacteria produce acids that attack tooth enamel. Repeated acid attacks can break down enamel and finally result in tooth decay.

Frequent snacks in between meals expose teeth to repeated acid attacks. So do frequent sips of sugary beverages (including juices, sodas and sports drinks). For good dental and overall health, be sure your child eats a balanced diet with foods from the major food groups. If your child needs a between-meal snack, choose healthy foods. Save sweets for mealtime when the mouth makes more saliva to help rinse out food particles.

Keep That Smiles Clean

Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day are important for keeping [link id=’73’ text=’teeth and gums healthy’].

  • Choose a child-size toothbrush with soft bristles. Replace it every three to four months or when it becomes worn.
  • For children under the age of two, brush the teeth gently with water.Consult me, Jennifer or Patty if you are using fluoride toothpaste before age two.
  • For children two to six years of age, a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste is all is needed. Be sure your child spits out the toothpaste and does not swallow it.
  • As children grow up and become more skillful, they’ll be able to brush their own teeth, but may require daily reminders!

Fluoride, Nature’s Cavity Fighter

Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens teeth and protects them from decay. It occurs naturally in some drinking water. If you live in an area without optimal levels of fluoride in the community drinking water, I can prescribe fluoride supplements if needed or wanted by the you. In areas that have proper amounts of fluoride in the drinking water, children should not take fluoride supplements. Fluoride is also found in many types of toothpastes, mouth rinses and treatments applied in the dental office.Talk to Patty or Jennifer about your child’s fluoride needs. Be sure to let us know if you use bottled water or a water treatment system at home.

Protect Teeth with Sealants

Sealants are made from a plastic material that the dentist brushes onto the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. Sealants protect teeth from plaque and acid attacks. As long as the sealants remain intact, the tooth surface will be protected from decay. Sealants may need to be reapplied at some point. During your regular dental visits, I will check the sealants and reapply them when necessary.

Floss Every day

Flossing is important to remove plaque from between teeth where a toothbrush can’t reach. Floss the teeth until your child is old enough to do so himself. Then show your child how to use floss or another between-the-tooth cleaner. Patty or Jennifer can teach proper brushing and flossing. Look for dental products that display the ADA Seal of Acceptance, which means they meet the ADA standards for safety and effectiveness.

Why Regular Dental Visits Are Important

Regular dental checkups and dental care—such as cleanings, fluoride treatments and sealants—provide your child with “smile insurance.” Plan your child’s first dental visit within six months after the first tooth appears, but no later than the first birthday. Consider it a “well baby checkup” for your child’s teeth.

At the dental visit, Patty or Jennifer will:

  • Check on oral hygiene, injures, cavities, or other problems
  • Find out your child’s risk of getting tooth decay
  • Assess how the teeth are developing
  • Let you know if your child may later need treatment for crooked teeth or a “bad bite”
  • Provide advice to help you take care of your child’s oral health

Prevent Sports-Related Dental Injuries

Sports-related dental injuries can be prevented by wearing a mouth guard. Mouth guards are available at sporting goods stores or can be custom-made here at the office to fit your child’s mouth. Ask us which type is best for your child, especially if [link id=’54858′ text=’he or she wears braces’].

There’s nothing quite as beautiful as a child’s smile. With good oral care at home and regular dental visits, children can reach adulthood without suffering from tooth decay and other oral health problems. If you have any questions about your child’s oral hygiene you can ask me, Patty or Jennifer.

Happy Easter!

Craniofacial Development: From Infancy to Adult

Do you wonder why nearly every child needs orthodontics? Why are people mouth breathing and developing mouth breather faces? Why is Temporo-mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) becoming a worldwide epidemic? In this book, Dr. Pamela Marzban explains why modern day faces develop incorrectly, how to identify it, and what you can do for optimum facial development for you and your child.

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