Beauty, Balance, & Breath

QUIZ: Dental Myths and Facts

QUIZ: Dental Myths and Facts

There's a lot of information out there on the best way to care for your teeth, but not all of it is good information. Fortunately, the dental professionals at the practice of Dr. Pamela Marzban are here to help! You can test your knowledge of [link id=’96’ text=’oral hygiene’] with this helpful quiz on common dental myths.

Want to see how you match up with your friends and family? Feel free to share this quiz on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media platforms. And call 703-323-8200 if you want to set up a dental appointment with Dr. Marzban.

Craniofacial Development: From Infancy to Adult

Do you wonder why nearly every child needs orthodontics? Why are people mouth breathing and developing mouth breather faces? Why is Temporo-mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) becoming a worldwide epidemic? In this book, Dr. Pamela Marzban explains why modern day faces develop incorrectly, how to identify it, and what you can do for optimum facial development for you and your child.

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