Once your missing teeth have been replaced with [link id=’58’ text=’dental implants’], it’s tempting to go back to your old dental habits without reflecting on what made you need a dental implant in the first place. However, it’s important to recognize how your previous dental practices have led to you losing your teeth, and figure out what you can change to prevent it from happening again.
Even if you lost your teeth through trauma, or some other cause unrelated to your hygiene, you’ll quickly find that dental implants require more care than regular teeth.
To maintain the quality of your dental implants, you should
- Brush and floss your dental implant twice a day
- Use an interdental brush to clean the spaces between the implants and your teeth
- Use tablets that show plaque accumulation
- Visit your dentist every 3 months
This last one is important. It might seem like an added difficulty to visit your dentist twice as often as before, but it’s essential for the quick detection of any signs of infection that could threaten the viability of the implant. Because your implant is made from artificial materials, it’s easier for plaque to gather on it and use it as a place to spread infection throughout your mouth.
To learn more about dental implants, how to care for them, and whether you should look into getting them, contact the dental practice of Dr. Pamela Marzban at 703-323-8200. Dr. Marzban serves patients in Fairfax, Fairfax Station, Burke, and throughout Washington DC.