Beauty, Balance, & Breath

The Real Cost of Tooth Loss

cost of tooth loss

The Real Cost of Tooth Loss

Burke, Fairfax and Fairfax Station, VA

Just like with other facets of your health, your oral health — and your wallet — depends on preventative care. The cost to brush and floss daily and visit your favorite Burke family dentist, Dr. Pam Marzban, twice a year for routine checkup and cleanings pales in comparison to the cost you’ll have to pay if you neglect your oral health, ending up with cavities, gum disease and even tooth loss. Today, let’s dive deep into the real cost of tooth loss — psychologically, physically and financially.

What are the short-term consequences of a missing tooth?

If we lose a tooth, either due to trauma or extraction because of decay or infection, it creates a gap that affects the smile and facial appearance. Feeling self-conscious about your smile can impact your social interactions and professional opportunities. But while missing teeth may seem like a simple cosmetic issue, it’s actually much more …

What are the long-term physical implications of missing teeth?

Studies have determined that gum disease, the leading cause of tooth loss, is linked to chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.

But if we’re only looking at the implications of tooth loss on oral health, here are some of the most significant impacts:

  • Bone loss If you’re missing a tooth, your jawbone is no longer stimulated in the place where the tooth once was. The body will reabsorb that bone, causing the jawbone to deteriorate. This leads to further denial issues — including more tooth loss — and changes your facial structure.
  • Shifting teeth When a tooth is missing, neighboring teeth gradually shift to fill in the gap. This causes misalignment and can lead to bite problems, chewing difficulty and increased, unnecessary wear on the remaining teeth.
  • Gum disease Gaps between teeth become breeding grounds for bacteria, increasing the risk of gum disease and further tooth loss.

Psychological/Social consequences

A smile is the first thing people notice about us. It exudes confidence, warmth, kindness and friendliness. If you’re missing a tooth, you may be embarrassed to smile. This can severely impact your self-esteem and confidence, which, in turn, can negatively impact your personal and professional lives. Feeling anxious in social situations or at work can lead to feelings of isolation, anxiety and depression.

Financial costs of tooth loss

Financial costs can be as substantial as the emotional and health consequences of missing teeth.

Let’s look at a quick breakdown of potential expenses associated with tooth loss:

  • Emergency or immediate dental care This includes the cost of any emergency treatments or extractions.
  • Restorative procedures Our Fairfax Station family dentist offers common tooth replacement options like dental implants, bridges and dentures. The most popular and effective long-term solution are dental implants; they’re also the most expensive, with costs ranging from $3,000 to $5,000 per tooth.
  • Ongoing upkeep Dentures and bridges require regular maintenance and eventual replacement, adding to the long-term costs.
  • Additional treatments Misaligned teeth and bone loss may necessitate orthodontic treatments or bone grafting, which further increases expenses.

How can I prevent tooth loss?

It’s far easier, more convenient and less expensive to prevent tooth loss than it is to treat it after the fact.

Here are our top tips for maintaining dental health:

  • Regular dentist checkups Routine dental visits twice a year to deep clean and polish your teeth also allow Dr. Marzban the opportunity to detect dental issues early. This way, we can treat any issues before they could lead to tooth loss.
  • Strong oral hygiene at home Brushing twice a day and flossing once daily can prevent gum disease and tooth decay, which are the leading causes of tooth loss.
  • Healthy diet A diet low in sugar and rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall health and oral health.
  • Avoid tobacco Smoking and using other tobacco products significantly increases the risk of gum disease and tooth loss.

Prevent tooth loss in Burke, Fairfax, and Fairfax Station, Virginia

When we think of tooth loss, our mind immediately goes to the cosmetic issue it causes. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Tooth loss can also have profound impacts on health, self-esteem and finances. Dr. Marzban is committed to helping you maintain your oral health through regular visits to our office and strong oral hygiene practices at home. If you’ve already lost a tooth, we offer a range of treatments to restore your smile and improve your quality of life. Contact us at 703-323-8200 or reach out to us online to schedule an appointment today.

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