Beauty, Balance, & Breath

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity may be characterized by a severe flash of pain or a more subtle, tingly feeling in one or more teeth. It may also be an indication of a serious dental problem and should be brought to the attention of Fairfax dentist Dr. Pamela Marzban as soon as it occurs.

If you are suffering from increased or sudden tooth sensitivity, please call 703-323-8200 today to schedule a [link id=’76’ text=’general dentistry’] visit with Dr. Marzban.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity may be temporary and caused by things such as eating sweet foods, but often it is an indication of a larger dental problem. Common causes of tooth sensitivity include:

  • Tooth infection
  • Tooth decay/cavities
  • Gum recession
  • Gum disease
  • Chipped, fractured, or broken teeth

Tooth sensitivity may also be caused by bruxism (tooth grinding), brushing your teeth too hard, or a recent dental treatment, but should always be brought to the attention of Dr. Marzban to ensure it is not being caused by a more serious issue. Dr. Marzban can customize a treatment option to deal with both minor and major issues leading to sensitivity to help restore comfort and prevent more invasive procedures such as tooth extraction.

If you are suffering from tooth sensitivity and live in Burke, Fairfax, Fairfax Station, or surrounding areas of Virginia, please [link id=’50003′ text=’contact Dr. Pamela Marzban’] today to schedule an appointment.

Craniofacial Development: From Infancy to Adult

Do you wonder why nearly every child needs orthodontics? Why are people mouth breathing and developing mouth breather faces? Why is Temporo-mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) becoming a worldwide epidemic? In this book, Dr. Pamela Marzban explains why modern day faces develop incorrectly, how to identify it, and what you can do for optimum facial development for you and your child.

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